Cross-Curricular Geography
At the start of the academic term there is a large focus placed on local geography and understanding our local area. This continues throughout the year making regular links back to our local area but comparing this to other countries and areas of the world. Geography this half term has been mainly explored in a cross-curricular manner as a high percentage of year groups have been studying history topics. However all learning depicts links to countries all over the world and developing geographical local, national and international knowledge in various ways.
Life in Ponds - EYFS
EYFS have incorporated geography in a cross-curricular manner this term as they have mainly been focusing on science. Within their science lessons they have learnt all about the life cycle of a pond. Through this the children have explored the habitat of the frog and learnt about features of a pond and why these features create a great habitat for a frog. They talked about ponds local to them and what they are like and also visited the pond that we have in our school, demonstrating a link to local geography.
4 Kingdoms - Year 1
Year 1 have spent a portion of the spring term learning all about the UK and the four countries within it, showing a progression from local to national geography. They have studied the four countries and their climate and landscapes, allowing them to understand geographical similarities and differences. They learnt all about each countries capital city and included an element of their history topic by considering what method of transport they could use to get to each capital from school. Year 1 also went on a local trip to the bookstore in Greenwich, before going they looked at a map and mapped their route and geographical features that they would see on the way.
The Amazon Forest - Year 3
Year 3 this term have been studying the Amazon rainforest learning all about different features of the rainforest and what it is like to live there. They used map work skills to identify the locations of different countries that have tropical rainforests in the world. Year 3 also made comparisons between the Amazon and London and the differences between each location. This allowed them to understand geographical difference between their local area and another part of the world.
Guatemalan Geography
Upper KS2 have been predominantly studying history this half term. However in year 6 they have made cross-curricular links to geography in their literacy lessons through researching the country of Guatemala to aid them in making a holiday brochure for the country. They spent time researching lots of facts about the country enhancing their geographical knowledge about its climate, landscape and features. Allowing them to understand there is many differences between this country and the local area we live in.