Art Mastery
At Morden Mount the children are having opportunities to use different art materials in a range of ways. They are having time to explore and build up the skills to see its effect and impact the material has and how it could be used to create their final product. They are developing confidence to make confident choices in how different materials can be used creatively for their own piece of work.
Using Spring Inspired Colours - EYFS
In the early years, the topic has been spring and children have used their outdoor environment to observe the spring colours around them. Paint has been the focal medium and children have been learning how to mix colours to make new colours lighter and darker shades. Children have stations where they have been allowed to freely explore colour mixing and create their own pieces of art.
Colour Mixing at After School Club - KS1
In KS1 an after school art club has started running this term. There has been a huge interest in this club. This terms focus for the after school club has been on exploration of colour. Children have developed a greater understanding of colour through techniques such as mixing and blending. Children have been very proud of the work they have created in each session and have been very enthusiastic to show off their final masterpieces.
Henri Rousseau Colour Inspiration - Year 3
Year 3 have been also learning about colour mixing this term. This has built on the prior learning of mixing skills learnt in KS1. The next step for the children has been to create different tones of colour.
Using the work of Henri Rousseau as a base, children looked at the tones of green he used in his paintings to display different types of plants in foreground, middle and background. Children then experimented with varied types of paint to mix and create different tones of green, which they would then use for their own rainforest artwork.
Advanced Art with KS2 After School Club
Alongside KS1, another KS2 art club has also started this term . This club focuses on more advanced art skills and allows children to use a wider range of media and techniques such as using designing with clay, book binding, applique, embroidery, ceramics and decoupage.
This amazing work has been proudly displayed in the school foyer area and on schools social media page.