All About Literature
The photos below demonstrate the range of engaging activities that were designed to promote reading for pleasure during this term. Providing a range of diverse experiences is essential for fostering a love of reading among our pupils and developing confident, life-long readers.
Book Day Dess Up - Nursery
Nursery and Reception enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters for World Book Day. They have also been reading for pleasure and sending in photos of themselves reading in weird and wonderful places.
Orchestra to a Book - Year 2
Year 2 had the amazing opportunity to attend a Brightspark’s concert at the Royal Festival Hall linked to a story they had been learning in class. They listened to the story of Stan and Mabel with a brilliant orchestra performing alongside. They even took part in some singing too.
Stay and Read - LKS2
During our book week celebrations, year 3 and 4 parents were invited to take part in Stay and Read sessions to promote reading for pleasure. Classes across the school have also enjoyed trips to the local Waterstones to buy a book with their book tokens.
Author Workshop - KS2
Pupils in KS2 were treated to a wonderful online author workshop with Efua Traore. Here they listened to part of a story and Efua spoke about how to create a character and describe a setting. Following on from this, pupils began to write the beginning of their own story.