Geographical Features
All learning links to countries all over the world and developing geographical local, national and international knowledge in various ways. Ensuring that children learn through practical and written activities and field trips. Children should have an understanding of local, national and international geography, geographical vocabulary and common features.
Mapping Farms - Reception
In reception they have been reading the book What the Ladybird Heard, which connects to map work in geography. . After the children had read this book they then learnt all about maps supported by information that they had discovered in the story book. They created their own maps of the farm using their knowledge. They were also set a task to draw a map of their farm. Using practical skills to help develop their geographical understanding and knowledge.
Beautiful Beaches - Year 1
In KS1 Year one have started learning all about the beach. They have spent time studying pictures of a beach and discussing and labelling features of a beach. They have been introduced to the concepts of human and physical geography and will be considering these related to a beach setting. This half term the children will be taking a trip to the seaside so that they can practically understand human and physical features of a beach and build on the knowledge they have already gained in class.. The children have also been introduced to international geography learning about the seven continents and five oceans, progressing on from their national study last term.
Living in the Nile - LKS2
Lower KS2 have been focusing on history topics this term however they have made some cross-curricular links within their learning. In Year four they have been learning all about the Egyptians and what life was like for them. They studied their homes and looked at the geographical features of their homes focusing on the River Nile and why many lived close to it and what it provided them as a resource. They used research skills and knowledge to develop understanding of why the Nile was a great aid to the Egyptians.
Natural Disasters - UKS2
In upper KS2 Year six have been studying natural disasters, they have been learning about some of the common natural disasters that occur all over the world and why some are more common in certain geographical areas than others. They have then focused particularly on volcanoes. Year 5 have been studying contrasting localities and comparing three different settings using their geographical knowledge. Allowing them to understand how geographical features differ in these places and the reasons for these differences.