Improving Numeracy
A Morden Mount Mathematician is able to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. It is our aim to develop our pupils’ competence and fluency in maths based upon a solid understanding of calculation and number. Through a high-quality mathematics curriculum we hope to develop an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject as well as have the confidence to undertake a variety of problems and challenges.
Early Numeracy - Nursery
In our Nursery Children are becoming confident and familiar with numbers around them and are learning to count using magnetic letters and counting . Cooperation and collaboration are helping them to succeed.
Improving Skills with Manipulatives - KS1
Throughout Key Stage One, there was evidence of an understanding of a variety of manipulatives being used to enable children to grasp key skills. The consistency of teaching approach and development of learning through using the same resources. could be seen in books during a recent Maths look.
Bringing All Up to Speed - LKS2
We have been identifying learning gaps and streaming of both classes to meet the learning needs across the year group. Using more manipulatives and practical activities to build number competence and create foundations for abstract calculations. Development of teaching framework based on NCETM principles.
Revision and Gap Filling - UKS2
We’re ensuring revision of core arithmetic skills based on baseline assessments and gap analysis. And practising fluency and preparing children for more reasoning-based questions.